Gearbox ( GEAR )
The current price of Gearbox (GEAR) is $0.008076 with a marketcap of $80,813,835.00. Its price is 4.50% up in last 24 hours.
Low 24H: $0.007690
High 24H: $0.008195
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Gearbox (GEAR)
- Live Price $0.008076
24h %
- Market Cap $80,813,835.00
- Volume $904,195.00
- ATH $0.03726
- ATH(% Change) -78.30%
- ATH Date
- High 24H $0.008195
- Low 24H $0.007690
- Available Supply 10,000,000,000 GEAR
- Rank 491
Gearbox is a generalized leverage protocol: it allows you to take leverage in one place and then use it across various DeFi protocols and platforms in a composable way. The protocol has two sides to it: passive liquidity providers who earn higher APY by providing liquidity; active traders, farmers, or even other protocols who can borrow those assets to trade or farm with x4+ leverage.The core vision is to become a backend composable leverage protocol that all kinds of users have but don’t even need to interact directly with any interface. You can envision building your own DeFi protocol and just making a “take leverage with Gearbox” as a button.
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